
Our Company was founded in the early summer of 2018 and was the brainchild of the owner, Brayden Spencer. Until that time and for most of his life, Brayden had struggled with addiction and needed to channel his reawakening soul into something positive as well as rewarding.

Together with the help of his family members he came up with the concept of building a garment and gear company based on his favourite sport skateboarding -while embracing the ideals of addiction recovery, sobriety and youth help services within his community at large.

A very important concept of Brayden’s was to ensure that a portion of the sale of every item would be donated quarterly to give back to the community.

Organizations that are on the front lines to help people with addiction recovery, youth counseling and employment services are among those that will receive this. This will be reported after each donation on the News page of this website.

The name Bare Metal Skate Company was derived from the concept of not only the sport but metaphorically speaking of how he had to reach deep inside to discover his healing path – baring his soul, his thoughts and his emotions. The metal “trucks” grinding along the metal edge of structures became symbolic to his struggle to stay on track.

At Bare Metal Skate Co., we are very selective on the quality, look and feel of the clothing and gear we sell. Our Product Development and Inventory teams are always at work – expanding our lines while ensuring that our customers will receive exactly what they want. Hopefully, you will find and be able to order exactly what you want within these pages. Otherwise, please Contact Us if you have any questions, comments or concerns.

On behalf of Bare Metal Skate Co. – thank you for visiting our website!

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